Love God, Enemy, Neighbor

Every Sunday Until October 13 at 9:00 am  |  The Kemper Parlor

9994 Zig Zag Road, Montgomery, OH, USA

We will begin a series titled Love God, Neighbor, Enemy on Sunday September 8th, and continue through October 13th. The goal is to deepen our faith and expand the circle of whom we are called to love and how we are called to love. Each week is a standalone lesson so come when you can.

Love God, Neighbor, Enemy
The Great Commandment to Love of God and neighbor is not fully expressed if we are only loving when it is convenient or comfortable. Through the exploration of this practice, participants will learn how—from those who may be hard to love to those who we fear or who may do us harm—the imperative to love enemies, just as we love God or our neighbor, is throughout Scripture. This practice explores this call to love through action by serving a stranger, showing mercy, washing another’s feet, being courageous, and living peaceably.