Earthcare Booths!

  1. Evergreen Presbyterian Information, laundry sheets and tool giveaway
  2. Evergreen Presbyterian home grown plant sale, benefits our sustainable gardens
  3. Hamilton County Environmental Services
  4. Hamilton Co. Conservation District storm water management, rain barrels
  5. League of Women Voters voter education/registration
  6. Cincinnati Recycling & Reuse Hub  recycling education
  7. Climate Reality Project energy credits/rebates
  8. Evergreen Presbyterian Faithful Stewards, our commitment, tree giveaway, bookmarks
  9. Hamilton Co. ReSource waste reduction/recycling
  10. Our Land Organics native plant sale
  11. NEEDS food pantry
  12. Society of St. Andrew’s food security
  13. Faith Communities Go Green a voice for marginalized families
  14. LouCsew reusable tote/grocery bags
  15. Auburn Presbyterian green faith, green learning, green living, green action
  16. Evergreen Presbyterian Bake Sale homemade baked goods, benefits NEEDS Food Pantry
  17. Scout Troop #258 water and ice cream, benefits scouting
  18. Gorman Heritage Farm vermicomposting
  19. Ohio Valley Forestry Fellowship the importance of trees
  20. Sustainergy Cooperative energy assessments, solar energy
  21. Native Solitary Bees display/information about the super pollinators
  22. Drive Electric Cincinnati electric vehicle information, ride and drives
We have forgotten how to be good guests, how to walk lightly on the earth as its other creatures do.
from “Only One Earth, the Care and Maintenance of a Small Planet,” Barbara Ward