Meet Our Staff

Christ Centered, Spiritually Curious, Sent to Serve
Pastor Rev. Ben Shaw

We welcomed Rev. Benjamin A. Shaw as our pastor in December 2020.

Rev. Ben is originally from Delaware, Ohio, and is a graduate of The Ohio State University and Princeton Theological Seminary. While at OSU, Ben served in the Presbyterian Campus Ministry, and at Princeton, he worked in hospital chaplaincy and youth ministry. He comes to us from his current ministry in north-western Ohio.

Evergreen holds services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and has a live-streaming option for those who wish to attend virtually.

Gay Piller

Choir Director

Steve Thiel

Handbell Director

Mee Ji Kim


Joy D'Andrea


Angela Parker

Office Manager

Our staff here is truly a blessing!


Cindy Godby
Judy Hughes
Susan Johnson
Cheryl Mack
Dick Reesey
Marie Reesey
Jeff Rhondenbaugh
Margie Selm
Mike Sponzilli


Peggy Burwinkel
Beth Doebereiner
Mike Hudson
David Innis
Kim Innis
Margaret Miller
Rick Parrish
Greg Simpson
Bertie Spicker
Steve Thiel