Watering Tips from the Crazy Plant Lady

Evergreenoffice   -  

Here are a few tips for watering your garden in hot weather.

The key to successful ‘in-ground ’watering is giving your plants a through watering and keeping them well mulched. Water in the morning or at night to prevent rapid evaporation, which occurs during mid-day. Using little water and watering often encourages the roots to come up to the surface to get water. Lightly watered plants will not thrive. Give your plants a deep water so the roots go deep in search of water. Try this tip: Get a empty bucket and mark a 1 inch line. Stand back and water the bucket. Count how long it takes to get to the 1 inch mark. That is how many seconds you need to hold your hose over your plants to give them a through watering.

During hot dry days your pots may need watering twice a day if they are in full sun. If you stick your finger in the pot and it is dry, get to it and give those babies a drink.


Peggy Bee