Pastor Ben’s September Letter
Dear Friends in Christ,
The Nicine Creed Banner
It used to be that September brought with it cooler weather and a return to normalcy after the relaxed summer months. September no longer feels much like fall, but it still brings us order and routine. I enjoy the summer – but I’m usually glad for September to roll around for exactly this reason – I like routines.
This September, though, two (planned) out-of-the-ordinary things will come to the forefront at Evergreen. First, we will begin our stewardship season. I know it seems early – but Evergreen is beginning to craft its first merged budget and set its financial priorities. To make wise decisions about these important things, we need some key information: how much are our members willing to give the church?
Second, you’ll encounter the Evergreen 2030 team for the first time. Session formed this committee to imagine a way forward for Evergreen – to chart a future that doesn’t repeat the steps we made in the past. If you saw my Vision 2030 presentation in the spring, know that this committee is working in that spirit: dreaming big about how our church can transform its members and help transform the world. On September 24, you are invited to a potluck and discussion session after worship to begin sharing ideas.
I’ve reflected a lot on how these two tasks are actually reaching for the same goal: establishing our priorities. They are both about the commitment of ordinary church members to the future of the congregation – but more importantly about the ways we as a congregation and as individuals are responding to God’s love for us.
This September won’t be “back to normal.” Because, is God calling us “back” to
anywhere? And while we’re at it…is “normal” really what God wants from us,
anyway? Instead, this is a month for commitment, for hope, for dreaming, and yes, for
giving. It is a month to invest in a future that is exciting, and to see our place in God’s work in the world.
It’s exciting stuff, and we’ll need your help! See you soon,
Rev. Ben