Ben’s May Letter

Evergreen   -  

Dear Friends in Christ,

On April 28, to mark one year of life together as Evergreen Presbyterian Church, the Evergreen 2030 team released new mission and vision statements. Since August of 2023, that committee has been busy figuring out who we are now that we have merged and gotten used to each other. And, knowing who we are, the committee began to imagine where God might be calling us next. It is easy to be cynical about mission and vision statements. Every company, school, organization, and agency has them. And don’t churches already have built in mission and vision statements—the Greatest Commandment (Matthew 22:35-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20)? But the longer Evergreen 2030 worked—the more I came to appreciate a good mission statement and vision statement. On April 28, I told the children in worship that a mission and vision statement for a church are like a new prescription from the eye doctor—they help us to see (and do) today what we should already be seeing (and doing). This isn’t a new calling—it’s a new prescription for following.

You will be hearing a lot about our mission and vision statements. We want you to be able to tell people who ask you about your church that “well, Evergreen Presbyterian Church is Christ-centered, spiritually curious, and sent to serve.” We want our leaders and committees to ask themselves “Is our work Christ-centered? Are we practicing spiritual curiosity? Is this equipping our congregation to work and love outside of our walls? We want neighbors who will never enter our doors to say “Oh, I know Evergreen Presbyterian—they try to be like Jesus but they aren’t doctrinaire about it, and they do so much good in the community.”

To this end—I’ll be spending some time preaching through our mission statement in the weeks leading up to Pentecost. But in the mean time, I’ll give you some insight into our mission statement, for you to pray and consider.

Christ-centered. Jesus Christ is the reason we come to worship, despite our differences and challenges. Jesus shows us how to love and serve, and Jesus is God-with-us. We try our best to live and act as Jesus would have us do. We try to see the world through Jesus’ eyes. In following Jesus, we are reconciled to God and one another.

Spiritually curious. Here we learn, grow, and ask questions. This is not a place where faith is measured by adherence to rigid points of doctrine, or where we all have to agree on everything. It is not a place where the pastor commands a common interpretation of the Bible. Here, ordinary people seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance in matters of faith, common life, and thriving relationships.

Sent to serve. Our faith doesn’t stop at the property line on Zig Zag Road. Our center in Christ and our spiritual curiosity compel us outward—to a world that needs Christ-like love. We are here not to build up our own institution or to preserve our own comfort—but to go every place and every person beloved by God. Here we are prepared for the real work outside.

As always—the Evergreen 2030 team and I would be thrilled to talk about our mission and vision statements! And our work is far from done. Be on the lookout for exciting new things in our future.

In Christ,

Rev. Ben


Our Mission/Vision Statement