California Wildfire Aid

Evergreen   -  
The Presbytery is gathering items to send to California to aid in the recovery effort for the fires. Two PCUSA churches were burned down. If you bring donations to the church, we will get them to Madeira Silverwood where they are gathering the items or if you’re coming to the workday at Matthew 25 on February 8, you can bring your donations along with you when you show up to work.
Here’s the list of items that we got from Presbytery.
· Cases of bottled water: 12 and 24 count
· Personal care products: Antibacterial soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, body wash, deodorant, lotion, etc.
· Cleaning supplies: Laundry detergents, general cleaner, sponges, bleach (powdered form is preferred), mops, scrub brushes, buckets, rubber gloves, etc.
· Paper products: Toilet paper, paper towels, etc.
· Baby and infant supplies: Diapers, wipes, diaper rash ointment, baby wash, baby shampoo, baby lotion, etc.
· First-aid items: Bandages, gauze, pads, first aid tape, antiseptic creams, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, latex gloves, instant cold packs, etc.
· Candles and flashlights: If necessary, please include the appropriate size batteries with any flashlight donation
· Clean-up supplies: Protective eyewear, work gloves, trash bags etc.