Ben’s February Letter Dear Friends in Christ, The heart-shaped candy has been in stores for nearly a month. Flowers will start to spike in price within days....
California Wildfire Aid The Presbytery is gathering items to send to California to aid in the recovery effort for the fires. Two PCUSA churches were burned down....
Ben’s Annual Report Letter Dear Friends in Christ, One of the hard things about writing an annual report is that church life often looks the same from year to year....
Winter Weather How do we decide to cancel worship or other activities for weather? If Hamilton County is at a Level 2 Snow Emergency or higher, worship...
Ben’s January Letter Dear Friends in Christ, The Catholic writer, activist, and contemplative Dorothy Day is said to have spent three hours a day praying. She...
Ben’s Letter for December Dear Friends in Christ, How does a weary world rejoice? As I write this in mid/late November, I am struck by how many people around me are...
Solar Power! Solar System Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor we will be installing a solar system at Evergreen Presbyterian Church to...
Kroger Cards Kroger Reward Cards BAPC and MPC Kroger reward cards have been merged. To Use the Kroger Community Rewards Program: Visit...
Ben’s November Letter Dear Friends in Christ, I had a conversation recently where someone reminded me that, before I went to Seminary, I studied Political...