Ben’s October Letter Dear Friends in Christ, What is spirituality? For some people it evokes crystals and meditation. For others, it is a relationship to God...
College and Military The deacons care for young adults from high school graduation through college and members of the military. Please email name, date of...
Ben’s September Letter Dear Friends in Christ, What is spirituality? For some people it evokes crystals and meditation. For others, it is a relationship to God...
Ben’s August Letter Dear Friends in Christ, Years ago I preached a funeral for a man whose retirement hobby involved grafting different fruit onto his peach...
Ben’s July Letter Dear friends in Christ, As I write this at the end of June, I am staring out my window, wondering if it will rain. It’s overdue—but I...
Congratulations Graduates! Congratulations to our recent graduates! Quinn Mitchell, Sycamore High School Graduate, attending UC in the fall. Logan Koebel, North East...
Ben’s June Letter Dear Friends in Christ, I will spend most of this month out of the office. I am excited, I am relieved, I am ready for a break. I hope to...
Ben’s May Letter Dear Friends in Christ, On April 28, to mark one year of life together as Evergreen Presbyterian Church, the Evergreen 2030 team released...
Earth Care Festival Grant! Rev. Ben Shaw (center) accepts a grant from the City of Montgomery for the Earth Care team’s festival on June 15th. Grants are...