2024 Sunday Flowers
December 31, 2024 | Sanctuary
We have started our Sunday Flowers program. We will have a standing order weekly for flowers from Benken’s Florist. You will sign up for an arrangement of flowers each Sunday. You may choose to remember a loved one, celebrate an anniversary, a special occasion, or for the glory of God. A sign-up sheet will be in the gathering room. The cost of each arrangement is $20. Put your payment in the offering plate or mail it to the church treasurer at 9994 Zig Zag Road, Montgomery, OH 45242. There is a box on the sign-up sheet for taking the arrangement home with you, or the Deacon’s will deliver it to our special friends at home. Contact Susie Lewis lewiss2021@gmail.com or Peggy Burwinkel burwinpm@me.com with questions.